Oh, the noise!

It is a pity the still photos don’t have sound. This little footpath was totally quiet this afternoon - except for the birds!  The trees and bushes on the right are covered in Ivy up to head height and there were loads of birds hidden in there twittering away - sounded like Sparrows - and I did briefly see a couple of Dunnocks.A bit further along, on the top branches of a taller tree, I saw a Collared Dove, a Starling and a couple of birds singing which I couldn’t identity from the ground (see extras).There are horses in the field on the left and a pair of Magpies were searching in the grass there. Sometimes we see a Muntjac on the path and going into the field, but not today. Only a little path but a wealth of interest. So privileged to have the chance to enjoy it only minutes from home.

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