The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Blairadam stroll

A long time ago Karin and I both had pups that played together.  Her last pup went into training  just before Charlie  did. Since then she has been puppy-less and wanted a puppy  walk. So here we are in the lovely  Blairadam  woods and around the site of the brick works. This is some sort of artwork in front of a toppled brick pillar.  The brick works was situated around the same site of an ancient mine. 
The motorway M90 was built beside the town opposite. Apparently  as the excavation happened a huge amount of coal was dug up. The townspeople  were said not to have needed to buy coal for well over a year. (So I've been told).

The afternoon was lovely,  spent with a friend at her small holding. Outside cuppa was had and much chatting while her two beagles and spaniel entertained Star. Unfortunately  one of her chickens strayed into the mix and let's just say, Star was back on the lead very swiftly  after catching a few feathers. ( No chicken was harmed...,but she may not stray near our Star again). Needless to say Star will be very closely  tethered  to me from now on anywhere near any birds. I really  need a lot of birds to show her who's  boss. I wonder what our local Mute swans are doing today?

Dinner was spatchcock lemon chicken,  honeyed parsnip, steamed carrot and Ru's first "successful ", Yorkshire puddings. Yummy.


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