
By Upoffmebum

Back to buds

All the fruit trees - with the partial exception of the white fig tree - have completely finished pushing out their respective fruits for the season. Including the nectarine tree here.
Like a lot of other summer producers, the nectarine tree is definitely not resting on its laurels as far as growth activity is concerned. Au contraire, within a  few short weeks since the last of the season's nectarines had been picked, this plant has already started pushing out new buds in readiness for the next season. No rest for the wicked here, but that's taking your season-growth responsibilities very seriously.
And as soon as I take a peek at all the other fruit trees, I'm reminded why the garden cognoscenti all - without exception - recommend an early uber-fertilisation program for all such trees in early autumn. Which is pretty well right now.
I can't say that I'm right on schedule with this unappealing but entirely worthwhile task. That would be an exaggeration verging on an outright untruth. 
But after a more thorough close-up inspection of these and their colleague fruit buds, it's become quite clear that the task needs to be pushed significantly higher up the To-Do list.
So much higher, indeed, that come first thing tomorrow morning, post-beachside run and cool-down dip, there'll be a whole barrow full of organic fertiliser fortified with blood-and-bone awaiting distribution around all the fruit trees.
Including the white fig.


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