Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Long Friday, High Friday, Silent Friday and Black Friday. The term “Good" comes from the obsolete sense of the word, "pious, holy". 

It's a time when churches get busy with services. Lots of them. But this year many will be virtual.  And there are a whole load of customs to mark the day.

Tinsley Green Marbles, Washing Molly Grime and Workington Football - the mass game with a pitch covering about a mile and a half! History records that at least two players have drowned in the past.

And there are Alfombras (decorating of the streets), decorating eggs, hot cross buns, Fish Friday, Passion plays & kite flying in Bermuda. 

In Germany, Good Friday is designated one of the country’s “silent” holidays, which have a number of restrictions including a “Tanzverbot” or dance ban.

And there are the marvellous Bobolees in Trinidad and Tobago - stuffed effigies that pop up during the week before Easter. The scarecrow-like figures represent Judas and people use sticks to beat the stuffing out of them. More recently, Bobolees sometimes represent a public figure or person who people think might need a beating. 

And a very good Good Friday to one and all, whatever you are up to, whether it be kite flying, marbles,  street decorating or beating the living daylights out of a stuffed dummy. Or maybe taking a moment to think about sacrifice, goodness & grace. Happy Easter. 

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