Easter egg hunt.

Met up with Jodie, Dean and the three Grandsons for an Easter egg 'clues' hunt. I know this may seem pathetic to those with older Grandchildren, but because we've seen so little of the family (yet they only live 4 miles away) It was amazing to hear Franky know all the letters, and be able to put them together! And little Louis who will be one next month, and I've only held him twice in his life couldn't work out who this strange lady was. But we got lots of smiles!

Watched Jane Lazenby's Easter challenge on Photoshop, of course it all went over my head, but I love seeing what can be achieved. She's so talented.

I've also been putting a photo book together of the Grandchildren this year. It's always difficult to do, especially with a program that I haven't used before! I want to compare their books compared to Photobox, who I've always used before.

Very grey and cold out there today. Indian takeaway tonight, and hopefully enough to last two days - There will be as we always order far too much.

Happy Easter All!

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