
By brambleblossom

View over Blackburn looking towards Yorkshire .

A quick walk in the sunshine with a pleasant view .

We have had a very strange few weeks with regard to my dad and it has taken up a lot of headspace.

We were in the process of arranging palliative care due to the grim diagnosis he had been given by the consultant he had been to see . We wanted, as far as was possible , to keep him in his residential home where he is happily settled and the home staff were keen to do so to . It felt really sad that after a year of isolation my dad wasn’t going to experience the simple pleasures he had been longing for .

Things deteriorated really rapidly so that on Monday he was admitted to hospital and we went down to Leicester , , in a hurry expecting to be saying goodbye .
However , it turns out that he had been given a misdiagnosis , the rapid decline was due to lack of treatment for his anaemia and after a few infusions of blood etc he began to perk up .

Despite the rules against visiting we were able to obtain access to him throughout the entire visit and so I spent 3 long mornings with him , holding his hand and keeping his spirits up . After 3 days he was declared medically fit to be discharged .

In the end we had to “break him out “ but that’s a whole other story.

He has now returned to his home and will be getting the help he needs to regain his health and mobility .

Thank you for all the prayers that have gone up for him and us , there have been some amazing moments this week.

I will write some more in later blips as I want to capture it before I forget but for now I’m just incredibly grateful.

Happy Eastertide .

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