Wedding this day .....

...... 1961 !!

What a wonderful day that was, the church , as it was Eastet Monday , was still beautifully decorated with hundreds of Daffodils , around the pillars , alter, on the new ends of the pews. The perfume just magnificent.Above all a wonderful loving service joining hands , in the presents of God , to the most wonderful man ever ( in my eyes anyway) . Of course there had to be a hiccup, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the grating , so into the vestry I went with one shoe on. It didn't mean the signing of the register was any less valid! lol.
The honeymoon was a surprise, money was scarce so anything wad good. Married in Wolverhampton W. Midlands , we caught a train to Euston ( 2 level platforms from Wolverhampton meant they went to Euston & Kings Cross in those days) travelling 1st class a luxury in those days.Then by taxi over to Waterloo to arrive at Bournemouth for a wonderful week. Yes today would have been our 60th Wedding Anniversary. (Sorry needed to share this ).
I took a tribute to the church yard taking a couple of flowers from my bouquet sent bydaughter C.sad I couldn't make it look any more tidy ,but couldnt get down to ground level,but haven't seen the grounds looking so lovely, it was covered with clumps of yellow primroses , such peace.
The day started very wild here ,calming down a little as the day went on now 2.2opm its bright but cold.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks & stay safe.

Thoughtful ..... of happy memories interspersed by some rocky roads along the way. That's life and you come through it as stronger people.
I thank everyone who have made my life and it today xx

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