
By Ferjen

Swim and hedgehogs

The lake is open again so I went for a swim. The water was 10.4 degrees. This time I added a vest under my wetsuit and wore my dive gloves. It was my new wetsuit too. I was much less cold and could feel the added buoyance of the new suit. It was difficult to control my breathing though and I was kind of mildly hyperventilating in the cold. I felt amazing for doing it though. Just a short 200m loop though.

Got home and remembered I left my trail camera out last night. I'd seen what I believed to be hedgehog poo in the garden on Thursday so I hoped to capture one on the camera and I did! Not a great shot but evidence it was there. This made me very happy. I made a new feeding station and have left cat food outside and the camera nearby for tonight. I love hedgehogs. Before the children I used to foster underweight ones for the winter and do soft releases into my garden in spring so its very lovely to have wild ones visiting.

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