Thoughts: Number 1.

On This Day In History
1968: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated

Quote Of The Day
"No moral, no message, no prophetic tract, just a simple statement of fact. For civilisation to survive, the human race has to remain civilised."
(Rod Serling)

Upon reading A History Of Future Illnesses  by Chen Quifan.

How many rituals do you perform daily? Weekly? Annually?
The answer will be quite staggeringly high, I predict.

Why are human beings so drawn to rituals? Most likely because rituals are comforting, reassuring us that chaos is being kept at bay.
This is why many of us have such a visceral reaction when a browser's platform is changed slightly; chaos is encroaching upon our comforting ritual.
This is also why social media, and internet browsing, are so addictive; click the tab, read, refresh, read new content and notifications, refresh ..... a comforting behaviourist ritual that would have pleased Mr. Skinner.

So what can we do to escape the addiction of ritual? The only thing we can do is do nothing. And if we do nothing ....... that would be ritual suicide.

The Joy Circuit

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