A bit of a change in the weather today, getting progressively colder, and predictions of snow overnight tonight.  

We have had quite a busy but enjoyable day.  After on-line Easter service, and lunch, we did some Easter treats deliveries, and had some time for a chat, although it was too cold to sit on the patios for very long.  

The car has developed a problem, so will be in for repair tomorrow morning.  These things happen.

The HG and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary today, and were remembering what a beautiful day we had the following day when we drove down south on our honeymoon.  We feel we are very fortunate as so many for various reasons don't make it this far.  The HG arranged for a meal from a local restaurant, a super meal, as they were doing a take away service Friday to Sunday.  The hospitality sector has been learning how to keep afloat during this pandemic, and this is one way.  The food was delicious!

Eastertime is different things to different people, the heralding of spring, sweet treats, worship, an extra holiday..... I hope that whatever you have been doing you have had a good day.  And that next Easter we can all celebrate together....

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