The old days

Our central library is having a History Week, and as part of it Bill Niven, a local historian, gave a lecture on Maxwellton, the Old Village, and Calderwood Castle. It was quite fascinating.

Maxwellton village was built in 1745, and was originally a weaver's village, also some workers at the nearby castle built houses there. Early in the days of the new town, the Development Corporation decided to demolish the village, as it had become run down, but a group of villagers from Maxwellton and also from East Kilbride, fought this, and managed to overthrow the decision. The village was eventually revitalised, and in the sixties became a popular place. It is nice to retain our history.

Calderwood Castle was originally built in the fifteenth century was a stronghold of the Maxwells, relatives of the Maxwells of Pollok House. It was eventually in modern times taken over by the Co-operative Society and some people in the audience today could tell of their parents having been taken there on Sunday School trips, and one man told of his parents who worked in the castle in the late 1920's. The castle fell into disrepair and was partly demolished in 1949, leaving only one tower, but this was demolished in 1967 as it was considered dangerous. Most people in EK reckon it was a piece of civic vandalism, as they left nothing to show that a castle had been there for centuries, only a few stones, when they could have taken it down to a safe level to show the shape of it for future generations.

Ach well!

It has got quite a bit colder, with an icy wind, and no sun; it seems winter is back.

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