Happy Easter from Teba

Some days ago I asked Teba if she would help me with an Easter blip and if she would have an idea. She wanted to be Bugs Bunny. This girl is definitely watching too much Looney Tunes :-D
So we ordered bunny ears and I painted a Bugs Bunny face mask. 
So here we are: Teba's and our good Easter wishes.
I'm totally blown away about your generosity about Omo's silly Easter blip.
Omo says "Woof" and I say "Thank you so much!"

I had an early up, because I'm never ready with my tasks.
I made some emergency bakery and and hid a few things in the garden. Looking for Easter eggs is a tradition in Germany. In the afternoon there was even a virtual egg hunt with my sons. My cell phone was their eyes and they had to send me across the garden to look. Later we played and ate together. It was fun! But meeting them again in person would be nice too.

An experiment can be found in the extra. It's about coloring white tulips with colored water. I'm curious

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