An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Last in the series...


Promise that this is the last of the snowdrop blips.

Woke up determined to photograph something else today but this little espresso cup was on the draining board and my cusiosity about how the snowdrops would look against some colour, got the better of me.

Our new desks for the study arrived this morning at 9.00am and by 9.45 the guys had finished building them they didn't even want a cup of tea!

At last we have a desk each! No more shuffling stuff to the side or piles of paperwork on the floor. I felt a bit like Goldilocks as I tried sitting at both of them to see if one felt more right than the other. One did and suprisingly it wasn't the one I thought it would be. Can't wait for David to see them as they were his choice and he's been worried we wouldn't like them once they arrived. Well I love them :))

Had a go at tackling the games room today and all the boxes still in there from our house move. Managed to clear a space the size of a postage stamp so called on Ele and all being well she will come up tomorrow to lend a hand.

Got a chicken roasting in the oven so better go and get the veggies prepared. Hope to be back later for a catch up. Fell asleep on the sofa last night! Getting old :))

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