On the fert .....

Baltic cold today . A frost, a sprinkling of snow and a biting North wind. Even had to get the kettle going to defrost water troughs in a shed !
Cattle fed then a lorry arrived with the missing ton of fertiliser from Thursday’s order. The boss went to empty it and promptly caught a rough bit on the lorry floor with the bottom of a bag resulting in 500 kg on the ground . Bugger. Shovelled it up into another bag eventually, and couldn’t even blame any one ! Double bugger !
Loaded up the spreader and headed down the road to do 20 acres of winter barley while the ground was still dry and frosty. We usually do all the winter barley with liquid fert but it has been too wet for the contractor get on with their sprayer to do it without making another mess . And if it’s windy or frosty liquid N would scorch the plants badly anyway.
Saturday’s twin calves seem to be sucking so left them to it. There are another couple of cows looking very close when I checked them tonight. Hope this wind drops soon as it’s bad for monkeys, especially brass ones .

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