Happy Easter

Wishing everyone  a happy Easter.
Went for a lovely early morning with Niall. Was so good getting out and about.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 1,047 new cases, 5 fatalities and 852 recoveries today

Individuals vaccinated - 530,415
148,817 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has  9,874 active cases,  157 are receiving treatment,  69 critical  cases.  536 deaths recorded.   138,407 recoveries.  Total tests done is  3,651,647

MORE than 99 per cent of people battling against Covid-19 have not been vaccinated against the virus.
In total 99.2pc of Covid-19 patients fighting the illness had not been vaccinated.
A mere 0.8pc had received both doses of the vaccine.
of the 175 Covid-19 deaths since January, only two had been inoculated – and they had underlying conditions.
since January the incidence rate has been 70pc among citizens and 30pc among expatriates
Almost 91pc of contacts were due to gatherings at homes.
Bahrain’s recovery rate is high at 93.09pc while death rate is 0.36pc of the existing cases, 

India's new daily Covid-19 cases surpass 100,000 for first time
With 103,558 new infections, India has now reported 12.6 million cases
Deaths jumped by 478, still one of the lowest fatality rates in the world, raising the total to 165,101.

 Indian biotech firm Panacea Biotec Ltd has agreed to produce 100 million doses of Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine annually, 

Singapore will next month accept visitors who use a mobile travel pass containing digital certificates for Covid-19 tests and vaccines, its aviation regulator said

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