Siberian Squill...

...all open and looking lovely. My yard is finally starting to have some color. Most of the early daffodils were open this morning, and the later blooming ones are up pretty far, but no flower heads yet. Some of you may recall that we had the inside of our sunporch re-done in November of 2019, & because it started snowing before the guy could do the outside, he'd promised me he'd do the outside in Spring of 2020. He went home after work one day late last spring & his wife told him she wanted a divorce. It totally blindsided him, and he was so depressed that he stopped working and sat at home for months. No one save his sons had heard from him, so on a whim I texted him a few weeks ago and asked how he was doing. He said much better, so I asked him if he was working again. He said he was just starting back, so even as I type this, he's working on the outside of the porch. We have a couple of things that need to be done in the basement that Tom had been working on, but since he isn't able to do it now, the guy looked at those and will do the two jobs as soon as he finishes off the outside of the porch. Finally we'll be (almost) all done with the repairs around the house. Tom is resting on the couch; he didn't sleep well again last night so is a little tired out. The Home Health nurse will be here shortly and she'll check him over & make sure all's okay.  Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting TinyTuesday & hope you all have a great week! :)

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