
Not a big day for blipping, but it doesn't matter because it was a big day for lunching and shopping, and that makes me very happy.

The only downside to the day was H standing in dog poo (again) on the way home from school. The boy is like a magnet for it. Whenever he does it, it reminds me of the first time Matt had an evening out with my family...

Myself, Matt and my parents were attending my sister's in-laws' wedding anniversary party. My sister had said we could drive to her house first, leave our car there and get a taxi to the venue (they lived quite far away and the party was near their house). My mum had a spare key and she said to let ourselves in whilst we waited for the taxi as she would already be at the party helping with preparations. That way we could also check on the dog. So we got to her house, parked up, let ourselves in and ordered a taxi. Then we saw it.....

Matt's size 12, dog poo footprints all over the beige carpet. The dog had had a little accident and 'poo magnet' Matt had trodden in it without realising. So the next half hour was spent cleaning poo out of my sister's carpet. Matt was mortified, my sister was mortified that the dog had pooed, and my parents' and I just couldn't stop laughing.

Seems in Matt and H's case it really is like father like son...

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