Flower talk

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oh dear, bye sunshine, bye warmth, hello back to dull white/grey cloud & cold... although it's warmer, it's also cold, if you know what I mean. This snow drop was talking to the red dead nettle, at least, I think it's a red dead nettle, as it in some angles looks like ground ivy! No insects, no brightness, even the blackbirds weren't posing!

Larry was posing though!

Sliding scale

I'm so tired today. I'll tell you why. Last Monday I joined the gym. I love it, it's tough, I'm shattered after as I'm so unfit, but I tend to get very fit indeed, as I so want to walk up hills & not feel puffed, as hills in this county are steep & long & carrying heavy camera gear, not very pleasant. So think of me each morning on the exercise bike, treadmill, rowing machine & cross trainer... :) xxx

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