Tail-end of Train!

5°C  -  12mph NW Wind Speed  -  18 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Reading Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time this morning for about the third time since I purchased it in 1997!  Got to Chapter Two today!  I suppose we are all on the edge of time these days given the pandemic regulations!  Wandered around the garden this afternoon  -  guess what? When I turned the camera on I got the message ‘Recharge the Battery!  How unfriendly is that!  When I returned with my big camera a train was passing by at the bottom of the field so I quickly clicked on that.  Only managed the tailend, but I thought it would do for a blip.  It is only two carriages long and runs regularly between Montrose and Laurencekirk when the old station (closed by the Beeching cuts in the 1960s) was reopened a few years ago. The church spire is in Montrose and must be three or four miles away!  I have added the Pigeon in my Extra because it has never visited my garden, and clearly prefers what it can scavenge from the field.

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