Solitary Bees

After dropping Alex at one of his clients, I went for a walk round Dogsthorpe Star Pit, a Wildlife Trust reserve I haven't visited for many years. Although the sun shone, there was a very chilly breeze which was deterring most insecte. I found this female Grey-patched Mining Bee clutching a female sallow catkin. I think she was too cold to fly, and allowed me to approach more closely than usual. The Gooden's Nomad Bee (extra)which was nectaring on a Dandelion was much livelier, possibly because it was in a  more sheltered spot. I only got one chance of a shot before it flew away!

It was confirmed today that Chris would go to Leeds to do the invertebrate identification course, as Pete's autoimmune reaction to the AZ Covid vaccine has left him with limited mobility and overwhelming fatigue. Having read up about it, we expect this state to continue for at least a month before a gradual recovery - fortunately the next generation are able to help out until things improve!

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