Ring Ouzel

In the last light at St Luc, we watched three Ring Ouzels in front of the cabane where we were staying. It was a great end to a wonderful day.

Skied in Grimentz during the day with our eldest son and his girlfriend. Special moments as he flies back to the UK on Monday. We then drove to St Luc and took the incredibly steep funicular to our lodgings for the night. It was the first time we stayed in this one and were dubious as it looked like a concrete block but the dormitory (4 of us in one for 6 people) was excellent and the views from the balcony were fantastic.

The extras show my son practising his tricks in the snow park and views of the Weisshorn Hotel across the valley, with the Matterhorn to the right of it. It isn’t the usual shape that everyone knows.

This is a back blip because, although the wifi was very fast, my technical skills for transferring from the camera to my phone were sadly lacking!

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