Incoming Weather

We woke up this morning to snow falling and a world that had once again turned white (extra).
Jan was working on a translation job and I was once again dismantling bread machines to see how compatible my latest (very old) machine was, with my rather old machine.
After a while we decided to take a walk to get some fresh air. It was really sunny as we set out.  However, only 5 minutes from home a line of black cloud had appeared. We tried to persuade ourselves that the weather was going to miss us, but the further we walked the less convinced we were. Jan was for heading home - I thought we could make it down to the lake and back before the storm arrived. A couple of minutes later the first of the storm gusts hit us and I decided Jan was right - time to go home! Before we made it home we were hit by hail, and then snow. The wind literally roared, so I thought a lorry was coming along the road behind us, but when I looked there was just wind and snow. We got home without getting too wet and continued our work.
In some ways a very relaxing day - in other ways quite an exciting day.

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