Leaving a mark.

The family left after lunch and are now safely back home after their 1 hour 40 minute journey.
Evidence of them being here is all over the house.
Toby 5, has made another “potion”which contains a “special” stone he found in the garden. He has put it into a jar with water.
Stephen added some cranberry juice last night which turned it pink!
There are two other potions still here from previous visits.
One of them is in the summerhouse filled with water and bits of leaf and twig.
The other in a recess part way up the stairs. This one has changed colour a few times in between visits as we put different coloured liquids into it, like water colours or wash up liquid.
The house is very quiet.
Toby also said I had not to move his drawings of monsters and robots which he’s bluetacked on to some doors. (One in extra).
We’re going to watch some catch-up tv later.
I’m currently wrapped in my snuggle blanket and keep dozing off occasionally!
Soon time for our dinner. A ready meal for me this evening and some left over sausage casserole for Stephen.

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