My brood

James and Rich were over this morning to come look after the kids whilst we went to see Ed in prison. Asha and Nate were very much looking forward to seeing them!
Brilliant brilliant to see Ed and catch up a bit. Obviously Danny sees him weekly when he's doing the pastoral visits, but I'd not seen him since his weekend here. The hour flew by. An extra wonderful bonus was seeing Sole in there too! She was cleaning a patio space where we were waiting post security check and pre visit. Fantastic to see her...strange too, not knowing how much we could talk or not. 
It's rained all day, but early evening the sun came out so we walked to the English shop - got exciting things like washing machine disinfectant and thick cut salt and vinegar crisps!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Rich and James. 2 people we love and trust a huge amount. I've added a snap of them in extras.
2) Seeing Ed! What a joy! Also great to see one of the other guys Danny and Stephen know.
3) Getting out for a walk after quite a sedentary day. 

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