Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Little things..

What do you want to be?......

I want to be happy.....I think I have said this before.....happy and a positive influence in people's lives. It's a choice thing....

There are people that I know that are not like that and I struggle to not let them get in my flow.

So, it comes to the little things, respect for each other, love of life, acceptance of our little faults, belief in change and forgiveness. With these things life can be wonderful.
Without them it's a misery. Yesterday was a difficult day.....

I am already looking forward to the weekend as my inlaws are coming over for a huge day of Lord of the Rings, nine hours of Middle Earth madness! Snacks and little walks around the green to stop the atrophy...hehe
I might even let them hold my full size replica of 'King of the Nazghul' sword.....we shall see .....

Have a good day folks :)

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