Another easy Sunday morning

Anniemay’s decorating and I need to get out of the house.  I tend to do this when she’s wielding a paintbrush and sanding block.  We always argue about it.

Her; “my Dad taught me to do it this way”.
Me; “well my Dad taught me to do it this way”

And so it goes.

Her Dad taught to her wallpaper a ceiling.  Pretty impressive.  

My Dad was a painter and decorator when he first came back from the war.  When I was about 14 or 15, I earned pocket money in the Summer holidays doing painting jobs for teachers at my school. 

So I reckon I have the decorating chops.  What I don’t have are the requisite tools.

When we moved to the new house I thought our decorating days were over.  We put in a new kitchen and bathroom ourselves in the old house.  Anniemay ripped out the old units and re-decorated and I put in the new ones and the appliances.  I never envisaged every having to, or wanting, to do that again.  So as well as down-sizing the house, we downsized our toolbox.

She devised a project this weekend which involved a bit of replastering and painting.  I voted to wait until the builders come back to finish off our snagging list and let them do it.  They have the tools and the materials.  She voted to go to the hardware shop in the town, get the materials and do it herself.  Which is what she did.

She’s just finishing painting a wall when I get back from my bike ride.  It’s all looking really good. All I need to do, when I’ve had my coffee, eaten my croissant and read the paper, is to put up a shelf.  Two screws.  Easy. 

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