
By Beedey

Fond Farewells

So that’s him off on his travels again for three months.  We were ridiculously excited to be seeing him off on a train.  I love a bit of public transport.  Usually we’re waving to a departing car.  But the gear is going separately, so today he was a feather-light traveller in comparison to the usual endless flight cases and wires.

Lightroom mysteriously stopped working yesterday. Successive backup restores haven’t worked. Having spent a few hours down the Adobe wormhole, and delved back into an ancient email address, I found my serial number and re-installed but it’s still bombing. I’m pretty confident the 51,000 photos,  of which about 1% are of interest,  are safely waiting for Lightroom to find them again.

My ocular travails continue; Last night an errant elbow in the face broke my glasses. They are currently taped up. Jack Duckworth would be proud.

Thank you so much for all the lovely stars and hearts and words yesterday

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