Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Ta-Dah !*

Another bright day with gorgeous clouds scudding across blue skies.
No golf in the diary for JD today so we headed up to the moor to have breakfast in the van.
Just as we were leaving Pete and Carolyn phoned to see if we wanted to join them for a walk so we quickly made a rendezvous.
The moor was BUSY and we worried we wouldn't get parked but, with luck on our side, someone left as we arrived. 
On such a day you can see for miles across the county and from our parking spot, we had uninterrupted views in all directions.

Carolyn is so excited to be getting a puppy in a month's time. Pete was adamant that they wouldn't ever have another dog after the trauma of losing their last, the lovely Ruby
Some might remember that the four of us were away in Scotland and Ruby suddenly was taken ill on our last night. 
It obviously affected us all very badly, not least Kipsie who was at home dog sitting, but Pete said he couldn't go through it again.
We're not sure what changed his mind but, once he agreed to go and see the litter, Carolyn became more hopeful. The last remaining dog did all the right things and in making a bee line for Pete, broke his heart again but for all the right reasons
The new Labrador pup to be named Rufus arrives on May 8th. Guess what my blip will be on that day ? ;-D)

* I have been asked when I was going to reveal our new van so here it is, pictured today in a snow shower.

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