tempus fugit

By ceridwen

The tip of the needle

A perfect afternoon, crisp, sunny and full of spring promise. The sea's blue was as rich and deep as it gets.

I hadn't been to the coast for a few (busy) days but as soon as I drew near I knew they were back -  razorbills! Their guttural croaks carried  up across the cliff top, a cacophony of creaky growling that seems  at odds with their neat appearance. Sharply suited in black and white uniforms of military precision,  as they span and whirled around the  nesting ledges, squabbling over their competing claims to  favoured crevices and niches, they resembled diminutive biplanes performing aerial manoeuvres only attempted by the most foolhardy of pilots.

Main blip shows the top of the rock stack which is claimed by gulls. The razorbills are on the right and  in the extra, which is like to be the first of many such shots since I fall in love with these birds again each and every spring.

Many thanks for all the  kind  comments on my grandmotherly blips of the past few days. I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to them individually but all were appreciated. 

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