A Day In The Life

By Irish59

April Snow

The spring ride is about to take a detour soon but just for a couple of days. This Northern Cardinal couldn’t believe it either when I told him. We’re all shocked! But, in actuality, we shouldn’t be, it’s happened before, and it will happen again • Mother Nature is just asserting herself, reminding us who’s boss. She was just teasing us with all those 60F degree days, watching us throw caution to the wind, discarding our hats and mittens early, putting away winter shovels, setting up the patio furniture, even hanging out the hummingbird feeders. She laughed as we made plans for outdoor picnics and prepped the garden for seedlings as visions of broccoli danced in our heads. Wise New Englanders know that Memorial Day is the official start date for planting gardens • All we can do is give in, hope She will spare us, and vow to never be fooled by Mother Nature again!

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