Natural Abstract

Spike and I rambled around in the fields today while the fox tails (see thumbnail) are still green . They are still a bit of a menace to furry paws and ears, and sniffing noses, but become much more of a problem when they dry out, when each grass head turns into a one-way arrow which burrows into flesh from the pointed end and lodges there. The dogs can't shake (or sneeze) them out and they usually become infected and have to be removed under anesthetic. For spaniels, the ears are the most vulnerable, although being a sniffer I suspect the nose is at risk too.  Ozzie always got them in his nose. For now, though, the fields are Spike's favorite place, and I can always find something new to look at.

I loved this stump full of holes half hidden in the grass with the early morning sun shining on it. I should amend that to early morning 'for me'. If it weren't for coffee, there are some mornings I wouldn't even bother to get up. Nighttime during Covid times seems to be a time of weird dreams, mysteriously aching limbs, and fragile sleep. I wonder if there is any data on people who have side-effects from the vaccine that never go away entirely?

John's ankle doesn't hurt so he forgets himself sometimes and walks without his crutches, I freak out and things deteriorate from there. This morning there was labored breathing and muttering coming from the back of the house and I found John cursing because he had put on the elastic bandage and the boot before he realized he hadn't put his pants on. I burst out laughing which struck me, in retrospect, as probably the most appropriate response. Pretty soon we were both cracking up. Laughter with a slightly hysterical tinge to it but laughter nonetheless. It really is healing....

The neighbors who are rebuilding next door have a big field behind their house which is set closer to the street than ours, so when we look out our bedroom door we are looking onto their field rather than the house . Today I looked out to see a big truck just on the other side of the fence towing a stump grinder. It is both noisy and wickedly dangerous looking and spews fine sawdust everywhere. So much for our wine at the bistro table tonight!

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