Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The future’s bright ...

The future’s orange. Well at least the giant temporary structure in this side street making the concrete is. 

I was standing on the corner as TSM undertook another test ride on an e-bike. She is hooked on the concept but getting the right model is taking time, quite rightly. We had another long chat with Steve who runs the place; he is a genuine enthusiast, has a really nice manner and an adorable rescue dog.

The Dizzle drove his brother back to Uni today. They had a road trip and lunch in a pub garden. On the way home there was a ten mile long traffic jam on the motorway so we navigated him around it on our mobiles in the style of a police control centre ... "Raptor 1 turn tight right right at the next junction ... please give us your traffic status ... roger Raptor 1, please maintain speed and course whilst we consider options" .... helped pass the time as he was forced onto the back roads.

I succumbed to a coffee and a cake from Ivy’s whilst we were out but stayed within my calorie limit for the day. First class homemade Katsu curry for supper; really nice.

Only downer was the toilet cistern going today. But the work is going well, the entire room has been replastered. Our cleaner Mrs B was unimpressed with the dust and the disruption but did her very best. 

Day off tomorrow. Celebrating 27 years together ... if I can live to be ninety we could double that ... bring it on ...

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