What is this...

Well, I thought I'd get a photo of the moon, but being too lazy to use a tripod, this was the result. I thought it made a rather nice abstract!
Busy day today. Hubby T is a regular letter writer about our political situation to our local newspaper. He has also had a couple of cartoons published. The editor invited him and a few other regular letter writers to coffee... I was included, and it was an interesting morning hearing about the newspaper production and future plans, and meeting others who we knew by name only.
After this we both had our flu injections, and then we heard that registration was open for Covid vaccinations for the over 60s. So we are registered...when we'll be vaccinated is unknown, but at least things are happening. Hubby also had new hearing aids fitted...they even work with his cell phone. No more whispering behind his back, he can hear a pin drop!!!!
I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend! Hopefully the lovely sunny. windless day we had today will last.

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