Back at the Golf Course

A beautiful sunny, mild day

It has been a busy week, particularly in my work with the Listening Service. Several Zoom Training sessions to do with helping people who have become seriously ‘stuck’ in grief and cannot move forward. Another area, more in preparation for a new area a small group of us will be involved with from next week - helping people who are suffering from Prolonged, or Long COVID. There are many people suffering and so few tasked with helping them. We will give them an opportunity to talk about the emotional trauma this is causing them and to ‘validate’ the reality of their experience.

After 5 years of working in this area, the need for it is expanding, and our ability to cover more complex cases is growing. It continues to be demanding but fulfilling work. I am encouraged by the many words of appreciation from those who have been helped.

Later today, I managed to get out for a 2.6 mile walk, which took me past the Golf Course. The weather seemed much like those early days of the first Lockdown. I am glad we didn’t really know then how long it was all going to last. The difference now is that we are looking to come out of it all soon!

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