
Last weekend the power went out in the middle of the night.  This was immediately drawn to our attention by the baby intercom, as the receiver unit in our room beeped to tell us it had lost the link with the (mains powered) unit with CyclopsJnr.  

Having put the power back on and reset things, we were then woken an hour later by CyclopsJnr who noticed his clock had reset.

This was not a restful experience.

The next day we noticed the dishwasher wasn't cleaning properly, and realised it was stone cold even at the end of the cycle.  Putting two and two together, we reckoned the heating element had gone.

I looked at a YouTube video on replacing these things, and quickly decided it was a job calling for an expert...

Today a nice person came to look at it, agreed with our diagnosis, and put in a new heater leaving us with the defunct one to dispose of.

It's just as well they came today.  I'm getting dry skin on my hands from all the washing up...

So?  Blip!

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to report clean dishes and an uninterrupted night...

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