A good day for assembling

Doug and I spent some time today putting together our new planter box/trellis set.  It took a long time just to figure out what pieces are what, and we didn't get too far.  But now that we understand how it works, I think the rest will be easier to do.

Earlier in the day I started working on the quilt that Manda and I are making for one of her best friends.  I do the background design, Manda does the applique and hand stitching, and now it's back to me to put it together into a quilt and do the quilting.  I thought I'd get further than I did, but that seemed to be the theme of the day.  Everything takes so long to do!

I also entered three pieces into the virtual Austin Pastel Society art show.  When that's up, I'll post a link.  It also took me much of the morning to do!

So when I look at this, I guess it was a productive day.  

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