La vida de Annie

By Annie

Pound of fat

Not really; it's a model, one of the motivational props at the slimming club this afternoon. Despite being very good all of my first week, I've only lost one and a half pounds. In my defence the weighing was half an hour after S and I had lunch (all the other dieters had starved all day and gasped in horror at the idea). Also I'm waiting to find out if I have a pituitary problem caused by the SAH, which would mess up my metabolism and make losing weight difficult. I do feel healthier though for eating better.

In other news, saw my GP this morning and explained why I stopped the BP meds on Sunday. As the levels were down despite days of no medication, he was happy for me to continue without anything for a while, subject to regular monitoring, and also marked my allergy to ACE inhibitors on my medical record to avoid me being given anything from that category again. Bad news is that I need another full blood test because the one I had done a couple of months ago does not register on the computer system of that health authority, so there is no communication between the two despite it being done just 5 miles away. Why is there not a national database? Craziness.

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