Seconds out ...Round Two!

I have tried this before and it wasn't a howling success.
Oh, the photos were O.K. but the labelling and record keeping went a touch hay-wire
"The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley
" and I am no exception.
Troddle up to Carlisle for Gaffer to spend her Christmas present. She's been waiting for a certain book title to appear. Bit of a micro-victualling in Marcus & Spencius. Brew, of course, thence to Houghton Hall Garden Centre in an attempt to track down some Ramonda seeds/plant(s). Scarce as Rocking horse manure seems to be the order of the day. We bought some down-country when we were in Devon and then we/I managed to lose them.

Stage 1. of Clivia from seed ... A.I.D. Grab stamen from plant A, mollest plant B Pistil with said stamen.
Stage 2. REMEMBER to adequately label who has done what and to whom.

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