Quite the day in many ways! Danny took the kids off to the aquarium whilst Stephen and I went to visit Ed and another guy, M. So so good to see Ed. So  sad listening to the struggles prison life brings, and the injustice Ed is experiencing - the legal system here really is broken. Good to pray together. Then Stephen and I swapped over and I got to meet M. He's someone Danny and Stephen have known a long time. He hit a guy who tragically fell and died...and now the prosecution are pushing for murder which carries an 18-25 year sentence. He's got a baby, partner and business back in the UK. He said he's living in a nightmare. What a tragic story for everyone involved. So good to natter to him and listen to his story. The hour went by way too fast. We left the prison with a couple of guys who needed a lift to a local town. Their friend has just been jailed for missing child support payments 10 years ago. At that time he served 10 months in jail. Then a week ago he was applying for a document and the police showed up and said you're off to prison!!!! For something from 10 years ago that's done and dusted!!! We hear so many stories like this one. 
Home and headachy, a nap was in order! Then early evening we headed off to Cas Serres to see the wonderful Sole who's out of prison for 72 hours! So so soooo good to see her. So good to catch up. We went to the park whilst all the kids played. She's a proper warrior this woman. This is the friend who waves to us from her cell each Wednesday!
Back home via collecting a Persian meal - the payment from the photos I did a couple of weeks ago. It was utterly delicious. 

I've added in a phone pic of Sole and me - happy smiles to be reunited!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The privilege of being able to go to the prison (and leave again!) and spend time with people.
2) Seeing Sole who is so peaceful despite lots of hard life things.
3) Watching the deep orange sun set as we drove home from Santa Eulalia. 

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