Another Box.....!!

As I’ve probably said before I love boxes...
I bought this one on a trip to France a number of years ago, full of delicious biscuits at the time...
And it gets great use...!

I haven t been paying great attention to my Blip comments over the last few days as I’ve been and still am very upset and worried ...
Most you you will probably not know the total fiasco that the vaccine rollout has become here in Ireland..
Ahead of the latest ‘twist in the tail’ I had already decided that I just wouldn’t have the AZ vac due to the ongoing controversy surrounding it...and lo and behold our ‘dictator’ health board and Government have now decided that they will only use the AZ vac on the 60 - 69 year olds....anyone enquiring about this and voicing their very deep concern were told “ you take what you are offered or you go to the back of the queue “ hasn’t been confirmed yet what queue? ..the end of the 60year old cohort or Aug/Sep time when everyone else is vaccinated...
I am absolutely furious....this is emotional blackmail and the equivalent of ‘putting a gun to our heads’....!
I have so many health issues and was very much looking forward to and hopeful about being vaccinated but now it’s nothing but absolute fear.....I haven’t spoken to my own doctor yet but I don’t hold out much hope as m presuming she’ll tell me to just go ahead and have it...!
And this is the vaccine that just a few weeks ago was deemed unsafe for people over 60....and been now halted and queried in a number of countries...
I just wondered if anyone has any comment or even reassurance about it in general..
I Don’t Know What To Do...

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