Another day goes by

By WelshSi

A misty morning

After a few days of nice weather, the usual damp stuff returned. Well I am in Wales after all, how do you think our grass get so green.

Tonight was a good night at camera club. We listened to a talk about famous photographer of the 1950's, well actually it was more like the last 60 years. I suppose i am ignorant with regards to past photographers as i am not a big reader. But I thought it was funny to see the iconic pictures of the past and how they were taken and relate them to the judging of our images today.

Dont get me wrong, this images were fab, well most of them were. But in some feet were cropped, bodies were cut in half, there were open spaces with nothing in, i could go on, but the best was the focus and how many of them were not in focus. The judges of today crucify us when our images have any of these technical fault. So i suppose its all in the fame of the photographer.

I don't think many judges today see the story the images of today are trying to tell and that at times it isnt important for the image to be perfect technically. Just that it captures your imagination and keeps you looking at it for a while.

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