Alien invasion?

Sunday 18th April 2021

We had an extra service this afternoon to try and accommodate more people with a return to the church building. I fell asleep just after lunch and woke in time for the service so that was the day gone. 

I nipped out this evening to get some milk but had to go a bit further as our local Coop has closed for refurbishment. I therefore decided to come home via a scenic route to see if I could catch a blip. I managed to pull on to this farm track to grab a shot of the setting sun but I wasn't happy with the composition and the whole picture wasn't as interesting as I'd hoped. However, after a little tweak on Photoshop, a bit of Silverfx and a crop from landscape to portrait I now quite like it. 

If you are wondering if the martians have landed, don't panic. It's the local water tower!

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