Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Islands In The Stream

Carolyn joined me for a walk this morning. Sunny but chilly!
We stopped at Locksbridge Tea Rooms, a new venture that has been waiting to open since last autumn.
We sat in the garden enjoying the birdsong but the cold wind didn't allow us to rest long. Very impressed however, by this little cafe and I'm sure we will return again soon.

In the afternoon I decided to visit Stover. I haven't been for weeks and all the recent photos of coot chicks on here, made me think that there would be an explosion of new life on the lake.
I couldn't have been more wrong. I counted 2 moorhen nests and only 3 coot nests. There was one family of moorhen chicks but literally nothing else.
I'm surprised that the season down here is so far behind.
Anyway this moorhen had constructed such a beautiful floating island nest that she had to be my blip today (posted late again!)

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