Wait a Minute Mr PostMan

I took ten minutes out of my morning to run to the Courier Shop today to send Tooli a care package.   She had left her Easter Creme Eggs which had been sitting in an egg box in the fridge for the last two weeks.....  and I made her a cake to go along with it. 

I took them both out the fridge this morning and weighed them - and then ran upstairs to my computer and booked the shipping. 

I then went back, picked them up, sellotaped them together, and then bound them in an inside-out thick plastic bag. (reuse don't throw out). 

I drove round to the shop - and dropped it off for the 12 noon pick up. 

at 1245, I came downstairs for a little omelet. 

I bent down, opened the fridge, took the box of eggs out.... 

And there it was, full of bloody Cadbury creme eggs. 

I looked at Courier website and it indicated they had gone, but suggested I phone the local shop.

So I did; and the lady said "Aye they're still here, he never makes it for 12". 

So I grabbed the right eggs, got back in the car and drove like the wind (all within the speed limit).  Got in to the shop, got the box back, ran out to the car, cut it open (Yes, I came prepared with scissors and tape),  unstuck the two boxes (yes, I had used about a roll of tape to bind them together), stuck the correct ones back together,  stuck the bag back together, and took it in. 

The picture, is the repaired bag.  Ready for uplift. 



I can laugh now, but bloody hell I did feel like an idiot!

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