Two Lakes

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Our last day and we had a few tasks to do this  morning. We had a coffee outside at Laura in the Lakes cafe , it was so hot I was down to one layer!
It was good so it might have to be our breakfast stop in the morning.
After that I went round by the Lake to see if there were any photo opps, but the light was strange. Very bright but hazy in the distance. So it's a photo of the boats.
This afternoon we went to meet Ali and the grandchildren down in Coniston where the kids can run around , paddle and let off steam. So that was our second lake. 
The extra shows a female duck being ... well mobbed I suppose is the polite word,  by a thuggish gang of mallards. They were attacking her, holding her head under water and biting her head. Brutal.
This evening a drink with Sue Middleton  and Dave at their lovely place , Derwentwater Marina. Great to see you both again!

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