Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

No escape

Today we had to go to Perpignan. We had received our invitation to go to the prefecture to show our passports and have our fingerprints taken as the final step towards receiving residence cards. We duly filled in our attestations giving us permission to travel more than 10 km from home. The whole procedure was very straightforward and we were in and out within 20 minutes. I called in at the pharmacy on our return and was disappointed to be informed that they have no vaccine at present and we would not be able to be vaccinated for the second time before our return to the UK. I spent the afternoon phoning round other pharmacies. I was very lucky to get appointments tomorrow at another chemist about 30 miles away. It will be well worth the journey.
The prefecture was quite near the Castillet. This building is the emblem of the city and it is the ancient city gate. The main body, the "Grand Castillet", is built in red bricks and marble from Baixas and it belongs to the Aragonese age. Most of it was built in 1368. You have to climb 142 stairs to reach the top of the building. For a long time it’s served as a prison.

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