
Well that was a close thing. I’d just finished chatting to the workies and turned to grab a picture when this girl came running up the steps and straight onto the street, enclosed in her own little bubble. Cue screeching of breaks, a pretty impressive leap back onto the pavement and a hugely apologetic girl, the bubble well and truly burst. She’s bloody lucky that’s all that burst.
I’d been wondering what the guys were doing with the street lamps because they were all recently fitted with long-life, low-energy bulbs. Seems their wiring now needs replaced as it’s not suitable for said bulbs. Maybe not quite the projected cost savings there then?
It’s been a cracking day here and I spent all afternoon at the allotment, not doing anything major but pottering about as I often do. Made lots of trips to the standpipe with my watering cans; think it’s time bring the hose into the action!

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