International Women's Day in Two Shots. Gain a scarf, slip a hairband

so the tradition continues

Alice and I once again do battle to get an International Women's Day portrait, although she is most definitely happier than last year, and the year before. If not quite yet co-operating fully...

My daughter is amazing. She is incredibly strong willed, has a wicked sense of humour and loves to sing. Since last year, she has developed a love of pink and purple and ponies* - Alice calls them 'tonies'. Alice is determined that the rest of the world are wrong in their understanding that the smaller version of the thing we call 'horse' is called a 'pony'. It is a 'tony'. She likes to dance and draw beautiful things. She tells me she loves me pretty much every morning but has also said fucking hell on more than one occasion (I gasped and blamed Chris, because I would never say fucking hell. Never.)

My daughter is amazing. She is strong willed and determined and loving and amazing.

Alice, you make me incredibly proud.

Goodness me. I nearly forgot. last year and the year before Ivor Cutler's amazing original. This year some Jim O'Rourke.

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