
The tulips are beginning to flower. We can only have them in pots with wire over them to protect from the deer but today I thought they were far enough out to take the wire off some. The deer usually prefer the succulent buds. We’ll find out in the morning! I love this green variety. It’s Super Parrot from Peter Nyssen.

Shona called to have a look at our van. They got rid of their caravan and hired a van last week but they weren’t keen on the layout.

I’ve been in the sun reading. It was at least 23 degrees according to Val’s weather station but now it is a bit hazy with a cool breeze.

A) my foot is very painful
B) I felt a bit nauseous, slightly headachy and had sore arthritic knees in the night, post 2nd vaccine so it was a good excuse to be lazy.

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