Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Down by the river

I only went for a short walk today as I had a minor reaction to the jab I had yesterday, a bit of a headache and tiredness. However, the walk was pleasant in warm sunshine and I also did a yoga session. The rest of the day was rather frustrating as Mrs TT had not had her vaccination certificates and it took many phone calls and pleadings to get it sorted out. I also started making reservations and downloading paperwork for our return to the UK - something of a nightmare too. I hit a stumbling block when ordering two and eight day tests as I ordered two tests but they only give one reference number per order not per test. The UK travel locator form requires the booking references for each person and I was not sure if we could share the same reference number. That took a long time to sort out too. Tomorrow is another day!  I have an appointment to look at a long case clock that has been damaged in transit. I try to keep a low professional profile while in France but word gets out!

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